Wednesday, 28 May 2014

New Shoes?!

Little people have little feet. Very little feet which need love, care and super fabulous shoes. Bring on Livie and Luca's incredible Zebras. 

Oh hello Zebras!

So I like shoes and tend to buy them with three main criteria: 

  • Do they need to be smart or casual? 
  • Do they make my feet look smaller than they actually are? 
  • Do they let the rain in... 
Oh, and are they are under £20. As you can imagine, I do not own Louboutins or Choo's (isn't that what a train says?) and frankly don't care that much. But for Chiquita and Gordito, it's different. 

Dunk in Trafalgar Square fountain.

And so, when I am buying shoes for baby paws I have a slightly different set of criteria:

  • How soft they are. If they are hard they are not good for growing toes. 
  • How light they are. You wouldn't strap a brick to your kids foot, would you? 
  • How adorable they are. There is a very limited window of 'wearing animal adornment and looking great in it'. We need to take advantage of this before our kids are too old to voice an opinion.
Look at the mane!

I got Chiquita's new pair from Happy Little Soles, a great website (and shop if you happen to live in Cornwall) that sells Barefoot shoes. Far more expensive than what I'd spend on myself, but oh so worth it. 

Let me know if you use Happy Little Soles!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Welcome Mamas

Chiquita. Gordito. Breakfast. Teeth. Train. That bit of hair on my head that won't stop flipping. Croissant. Sniff. Why don't I own an umbrella? Grey. Heart ache. Smiles. Commute. Too early for lunch? Too early for chocolate? Office. Phone calls. Jeans with worn out knees. Peppa pig. Am I too old for Percy pigs? Home. Home. Home yet? Nursery. Cuddles. That perfect, perfect back of the head smell. Dinner. Bath. Cleaning bathroom floor. More cuddles. Book. Bed. Gordito. Chiquita.

And so goes the brain cycle of a London Mum.

This blog is a stretched out hand for any mums, who like me, feel they are stretched out. Who love their children fiercely. Who are not adverse to the odd soul-searching quote. Who want to create lasting memories for their family.

I am considered to be (by myself and my husband) an expert in:
  • budget fun
  • dinners that last more than one day
  • egg free cooking
  • getting lost and accidentally finding great places
  • Chiquita and Gordito - my daughter and stepson.
  • crankiness

Pandebono- Colombian Super Bread. 

I hope you enjoy.