Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hello Sunshine

The sunshine hasn't abandoned us! After days of drizzle, soup and wet socks, in May no less, we have finally been granted some blue skies, bird song and vitamin D. Thank goodness. If I'd have gotten any more stereotypically British and moany about the weather my husband would have chucked me outside to sleep with the foxes. 

Trafalgar dunking
If you need inspiration for what to do now el sol has got his sombrero on, here are some of our all time, budget friendly , London faves 

Walk through Blackheath and Greenwich park. 

Both beautiful, leafy, family friendly and free! Blackheath is best for watching the kites (or flying them if your child is a raging adrenaline junkie unlike chiquita, who is afraid of the string) and Greenwich has an incredible play area for little people, including a huge sandpit. You can walk all the way through from one to the other and into a village on either end. Personally, I prefer to end in Blackheath. It is a little less hectic (just don't bother attempting Greenwich market if you have a pram) and there are lots of cafes with outdoor space. 

Do the Southbank

Southbank is another great walk and sit in the sun day. Loads of street performers and confused tourists to mock. Make sure you walk through the food market at the back of the Southbank Centre if you've got some pennies. The smell is incredible! 

Mudchute city farm

One of the best city farms in my opinion. A friend of mine, who has no children and doesn't particularly like animals, goes there for the English breakfast alone! Oh, and of course, it's completely free (the enjoyment of the animals...not the breakfast). 

Not actually Mudchute...but you get the idea!

Make banana icecream

I'm sure you've seen this on pinterest before. In case you haven't, all you need to do is cut up a banana, freeze it, take it out and whizz it in whatever whizzing tool you have. It is delicious and just like soft scoop ice cream, plus you won't feel bad about passing down your love of Jerry and Ben to your offspring. You can also add some peanut butter if you fancy. 

Frozen grapes

Literally, just take some red grapes and shove them in the freezer. When they are super cold, pop 'em in your mouth. Yum. 

Find a friend/relative with a garden and convince them to have a BBQ. 

If you don't have any garden space, as if often the case in London, make sure you harangue a friend or family member who has. Say you'll bring banana could they resist? 

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